What is QACA?
Queen of Apostles Community Association. 
Most schools have a P&F or a School Board however in 2023 we combined our school P&F and School Board to establish the QACA which is the contemporary and dynamic means of creating an engaged parent body while cognisant of the wider local community our school operates within. It also aims to create a positive and supportive environment for parents to connect with each other and the school in the interests of our children's education. It's a new model of parent engagement that we are evolving here at Queen of Apostles and we are excited to be one of the first schools leading the way.
Who is part of QACA?
All parents and carers of children attending Queen of Apostles are naturally part of the Queen of Apostles Community Association. The Principal and staff also attend along with other community representatives including the Parish Council.
Does it cost to join?
There is no formal membership process and there is no cost. The extent to which you are involved is entirely up to you. The more engaged…. The more rewarding and the more fun there is to be had along the way.
The QACA was established to:
- provide an avenue of support and information to aid the involvement of parents/carers in their children's education and the school community.
- promote greater collaboration between parents/carers and school staff.
- promote the principles of Catholic education and a distinctive Christian community/environment in the school.
- recognise the wider community in which the school operates within.
- provide an opportunity to participate and engage at the school community.
- to provide the same level of good governance, and the importance of parent and community partnerships.
- provide events and activities for the community to come together.
- enable parents, carers, guardians, staff, community members, parish priests and parishioners to participate in the one peak participatory, advisory and consultative group to enhance leadership, wisdom and dialogue in school decision-making.
What's involved?
- Social gatherings and events throughout the year
- Trivia nights, Mum social events, Dad social events, children's discos
- Parental Development and Personal Growth Sessions
- Fundraising Opportunities
- Opportunities to get involved in shaping school policies
- Supporting education and development of our children
- Opportunities to contribute to improving school infrastructure
You can be involved as little or as much as you like.
When does QACA Meet?
The QACA meets each Monday of Week 3 of each Term at 6 pm at TSC Library. Meetings dates for the 2024 are as follows.
- Term 2: Meeting Monday 29 April
- Term 3: Meeting Monday 22 July
- Term 4: Meeting Monday 14 October
How does QACA function?
While all parents/carers are encouraged to be actively involved to the extent that other commitments allow them, participating in meetings and events is entirely voluntary.
There is the overarching QACA committee and then we have two subcommittees.
- Learning sub-committee: works in partnership with the school around issues relating to learning and teaching, future school planning and policy.
- Events sub-committee: works in partnership with the school to deliver events to bring the school community together.
Sub-committees may meet on a more regular basis and in a more social setting to discuss particular projects. Members can attend as many or few of these as suits them.

How is the QACA helping the school in 2024?
The QACA has provided $50,000 in funding to date for 2024.
- Painting of the Hall (Internal) which has already been completed.
- Refurbishment of the hall floor.
- New AV inc. projector and speakers for the hall; and
- a financial contribution to the final phase of the air conditioning program with the specialist classrooms and treehouse.
What are the priorities for 2024?
We are young, growing and laying the foundations, Our priorities for this year include:
- The effective and successful delivery of the 2024 calendar of events and activities.
- Activation and engagement of the Learning and Education Sub-Committee being led by Brendan Behm.
- Supporting the growth in student numbers with a particular focus on Prep in take for 2025.
- Development of FY25-28 Business Plan.
- Financial Governance Principles to assist in guiding the allocation of capital to deliver the business plan and in alignment with the School Leadership Team
- QACA brand and marketing and engagement at school events – aim of increasing parent participation and engagement at school events and activities.